Children & Osteopathy

Parents bring their newborns into the practice because their babies are unsettled, not feeding, have flat heads, for spilling, constipation, ear problems (including glue ear / frequent sore throats) - or just for a general checkup.

Classically, the babies we see at the clinic have been traumatised by very fast deliveries or long deliveries. Put simply, osteopathy helps to relax the babies' muscles and joints to allow their young bodies to heal themselves. This is non-invasive, very gentle and Niki has specialist training in the treatment of babies and young children.

As an osteopath she makes an assessment and a differential diagnosis to ensure the treatment and management is appropriate for each child.

"We are getting more and more referrals from midwives and self-referrals from worried parents. We treat all aged children, including newborns, babies and  infants."

Baby conditions which can be effectively treated include:

  • Crying and irritability
  • Vomiting
  • Colic and wind
  • Constipation
  • Not sleeping
  • Flatheads
  • Glue ear
  • Recurrent ear infections.Blocked tear duct and sticky eye
  • Difficulty with feeding - not thriving
  • Behavioural problems and learning difficulties
  • Headaches, aches and pains
  • Asthma

The main treatment for this is gentle cranial osteopathy. Niki explains this releaves the strains produced from being in the womb and during delivery, allowing the body to heal itself.

"There are so many genetic factors to consider. Treating a baby involves looking at the big picture. Are there any possibilities of a pathology? Is there a possibility of a reaction to food the mother may be eating? Is it more important that the mother gets advice on settling the baby?"

Shakespeare Osteopathic Services' unique set up, means they have the ability to refer the child on further for baby massage, naturopathy and/or homeopathy if needed.

"I have mentioned the big jigsaw in which my position as a cranial osteopath may simply be a piece in the jigsaw. Diet, cranial osteopathy, medicine, homeopathy and, as the baby grows, they particularly respond to treatment," Niki explains.

"Treating older children for learning problems is a field that some osteopaths are involved with. It can help on a structural level, especially if the child is anxious because they are not keeping up with the class and muscular tension results," she adds.